Looking out over at one of the lakes within Parc de Bercy you can get a feel for just how tranquil the area is, perfect to walk alongside. You may be interested in more; www.eutouring.com/images_parc_de_bercy.html
Looking down the River Seine this photo we took shows a tourist boat heading towards the Pont Notre-Dame which connects to the Ile de la Cite island. You may also like www.eutouring.com/images_pont_notre-dame.html
Part of the Galerie de Mineralogie et de Geologie this rock is on display outside for everyone to admire and is over 35 million years old. See more www.eutouring.com/images_galerie_de_mineralogie_et_de_geologie.html
Bercy Village was the largest wine market in the world, with the railway lines still being visible in the original cobbled streets which run through the heart of the village. Want to learn more? Go to www.eutouring.com/images_bercy_village.html
Cafe George V is found along the famous Avenue des Champs Elysees and has a calm and friendly outside area to sit out and enjoy a break. See more Paris Photos at www.eutouring.com/images_paris_city_life.html
Here you can see one of the detailed Gargoyles found on the Notre Dame de Paris and if you look closely you'll notice a chute which leads to it, for water to be distributed away from the details of the structure. More information and details at www.eutouring.com/images_gargoyles_notre_dame.html
Although normally over-looked we thought we'd show what an emergency point within one of the Metro stations in Paris looks like - both streamline and convenient! Daily updates at www.eutouring.com/images_paris_metro.html
This statue is named Genie de la Liberte, or in English, Spirit of Freedom and can be found on the very top of the July Column in the centre of Place de la Bastille. More photos to be seen at www.eutouring.com/images_paris_statues.html
Called Cassandre Se Met Sous La Protection De Pallas, this statue was created in the 1800's and is now on show for people to enjoy within the Tuileries gardens. To see more go to www.eutouring.com/images_paris_statues.html
Within the Tuileries you can find all kinds of statues, with this view leading to the travelling Ferris Wheel, which at the time was within the gardens. You may be interested in more; www.eutouring.com/images_tuileries_garden.html
While visiting Agence Parisienne du Climat you can find turtles which have their own small homes on the lake, perfect to watch on a calm day. You may also like www.eutouring.com/agence_parisienne_du_climat.html
One of the secluded lakes found around the Agence Parisienne du Climat including a sculpture which looks like a leaning Eiffel Tower. You may be interested in more; www.eutouring.com/images_agence_parisienne_du_climat.html
Although the Pont des Arts has temporary panels in place to stop the placement of locks there are currently still railings found alongside the bank of the River Seine as you can see. See more www.eutouring.com/images_paris.html
After hearing news the EUtouring Team took another look at Pont des Arts and it's new "love locks", pictured here with a painted panel where padlocks used to be, which were removed for the integrity and safety of the bridge. Find out more at www.eutouring.com/images_pont_des_arts_2015.html and let us know what you think in the comments!
Looking between two of the marble columns you can see a bas relief on the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel depicting a battle. More information and details at www.eutouring.com/arc_de_triomphe_du_carrousel.html
This photo shows the west facing facade of the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel, showing the back of the quadriga statue as well as many other details to admire. Daily updates at www.eutouring.com/images_arc_de_triomphe_du_carrousel.html
This photo shows one of the sightseeing tours offered by Bateaux Mouches, looking over the River Seine and to the Institut de France on the other side. More photos to be seen at www.eutouring.com/bateaux-mouches_cruises_on_the_river_seine.html
Looking towards the Notre Dame Cathedral you can see one of the Bateaux Mouches cruise boats travelling by, providing a unique view for its customers. To see more go to www.eutouring.com/images_bateaux_mouches.html
Here you can see the a view from one side of the Louvre courtyard, with lamp posts lining the outside and a view that leads to the Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in the distance. You may be interested in more; www.eutouring.com/musee_du_louvre_museum_paris.html
Within the courtyard of the Louvre Palace this shows the Louvre Pyramid with its many intricate glass panels and design to enter the museum. You may also like www.eutouring.com/images_louvre_museum.html
Taken while walking at one end of the Champ de Mars you can get a feel for just how tall the Eiffel Tower is as it stands over the trees and gardens. See more www.eutouring.com/images_eiffel_tower.html
This photo shows the Vedettes du Pont Neuf dock beside the Pont Neuf, with the equestrian statue of King Henri IV also being visible. Want to learn more? Go to www.eutouring.com/images_vedettes_du_pont_neuf.html
Here you can see a view over the Louvre Museum and Pyramid, showing the fly-over of planes above to make an incredibly rare photo. See more Paris Photos at www.eutouring.com/images_musee_louvre_fly_by.html
Taken within Jardin Tino Rossi you can see a couple of men playing music while sitting beside one of the modern sculptures within the garden. More information and details at www.eutouring.com/images_jardin_tino_rossi.html
This photo shows part of the famous Champs Elysees Avenue with many shops and intricate architecture to admire. Daily updates at www.eutouring.com/images_avenue_des_champs_elysees.html
Here you can see a Chinese fisherman sitting on the edge of La Dame de Canton but if you look closely you'll realise it is in fact a manikin placed at the tip. More photos to be seen at www.eutouring.com/images_la_dame_de_canton.html 
Looking through the posts which are part of the Wall for Peace you get a perfect view towards the Eiffel Tower at the other end of the Champ de Mars. To see more go to www.eutouring.com/images_wall_for_peace.html
This square called Place Jean-Paul II is found outside of the Notre Dame Cathedral, and holds this tall and detailed statue of Charlemagne, King of the Franks. You may also like www.eutouring.com/notre_dame_de_paris_cathedral.html
Some details on the Notre Dame de Paris are sadly missed or overlooked by tourists and visitors, such as these detailed sculptures and statues found above an entrance to the cathedral. You may be interested in more; www.eutouring.com/images_notre_dame.html
Here's a photo showing a Velib bike with its streamline design as well at the basket which are available on each bike. See more www.eutouring.com/velib_cycle_hire.html